Well, I have the official count now: I am 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I was right, I am not nine weeks along as originally though. It is weird that we have known we are pregnant for 5 weeks already, thanks to
First Response, which, mind you, ripped us off for that little digital pee stick (I'm still slightly bitter I bought the wrong test. Though as it was so early, another one might not have picked up the pregnancy that soon).

Anyways, I thought I'd share the happy news. The due date is May 5
th, 2009. The baby looks pretty
blobish, with a slight semblance to the baby in-
utero shape. Yet above is what it technically looks like right now. We have a good heart-beat of 150 beats per....minute? Whatever it is, it is healthy. So, that's about it. Happy baby!
I never notice when someone comments me, but maybe you will CONGRATS!!!!!!! :) xoxo